
Westfield Family Fun Days

My friend Heliana is one of those moms who always knows all the good activities for the kids. She told me about Westfield Broward Mall Family Fun Days.
I am so glad we decided to go. The theme of the event was Paris. As soon as we got there, K. sat down and started working on her beret. I love when she works on arts and crafts outside of my house. She gets to practice her fine motor skills and develop her imagination, but I don't have to clean it up. Then she got her face painted for the first time. This in itself was an event. She wore that purple butterfly with beaming pride all day because it was imperative that her daddy got to see it when he got home from work. By 6 pm it was looking more like abstract art, but she didn't care.
At the Family Fun Day, they also had book readings, dancing, and snacks. My one year old's favorite part was snacking on pretzels, pop corn, and ice cream. He has very little interest in anything other than eating, running, throwing, and unrolling toilet paper when I'm not looking. 
The event was well-organized and it was relatively educational, if the kids payed attention to the books. Most of them didn't. There was a lot going on. It was definitely age appropriate and the entertainer was sweet and attentive with the kids.
The only downside to the whole thing was that it was crowded. I imagine once the kids go back to school it will thin out. I won't be enjoying it because I'll be hanging out with some inquisitive middle schoolers by then.
Oh! another great thing is that they separate the big kids from the little kids by holding different fundays at different times. Very clever. And it's all free! The next one is Wednesday, July 25 from 11:00 am to 1:00pm at the JCPenney Court.

Also, at the event, they gave me a savings card that got me 15% off The Children's Place. You also get other offers and discounts with the card. I wasn't supposed to spend any money, but I couldn't help myself. I mean the little pink shorts were right there.

This is from their website:
WFamily Days (2-5 yrs)
Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday
We ́ll travel to distant lands this month as we continue our theme of “Let ́s See the World!” Two books will take us around the globe as we explore many wonders far and wide. We ́ll also enjoy a healthy snack.

WFamily Days (6-12 yrs)
Every 3rd Tuesday
The fun continues for big kids! This month, they can let their imaginations go as they build their very own unique dream house out of graham crackers and then decorate it any way they want!

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